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How many chances does one person have to find true love?

When Juanita Estevez’ path crosses with Santi Alverez, a world-famous fashion photographer, who rudely snaps a picture of her

when she is out shopping, their worlds’ are turned upside down as they come to realise that they are Two of a Kind.

Both are fiercely ambitious, passionate and supremely talented at what they do. But having a talent often has its price.

Can they ever get together and if so, how?


To be fond of dancing was a certain step towards falling in love.

                                                                                                                                            Jane Austen


. . . Two of a Kind . . .

                                   Yes, Juani, dance for us.” chorused the children excitedly. Carlos picked up his guitar as everybody in the

                                   caseta started stamping their feet and clapping their hands.

                                   “Where’s Alexi?” Juani asked Magdalena, looking around the caseta anxiously, he was there a minute ago, entertaining little Flavia. “He mustn’t miss my dance, I’ve been practising for months.”

“He won’t.” Magdalena assured her, pushing her sister up on to the stage. “He’ll be here in a minute, go on... everybody is waiting.”

As she stepped up onto the stage, Juani threw up her arms, stamped her feet and proudly threw back her head in time with the passionate Flamenco music; then slowly raising her skirt to her calves, then her arms up past her face, she clicked her castanets seductively in circles around her head and down past her face. As the music beat faster, she stamped her feet harder. Spinning, turning and swirling her skirts. Quite a crowd had gathered to watch her, all cramming into their little caseta.

Then, she saw him watching her, with that flaming camera around his neck. Averting her eyes, she lost herself in the music and prayed he’d be gone by the time she spun around again. But no, he was still there. Trapping her with his coal black eyes.

The harder he looked at her the harder she’d stamp her feet and the faster and more passionately, she’d dance. It was as through she’d been taken over by some strange force, pulling her to him like a magnet. The crowd wouldn’t let her go. She wanted to run out into the safety of the night – anywhere away from his powerful gaze. But they all kept clapping for more.

Then to her horror, Magdalena came up on to the stage and gave Juani her black lace fan. Carlos changed tempo,

from the fast and furious Flamenco to the slow, seductive music, famously played for the "Fan Dance."

She had no choice but to open her fan and perform this sensuous dance, taught to her by her mother when she was

a little girl. She could feel his eyes boring into her and slowly, undeniably, Juani knew that she was dancing for Santi,

and for Santi alone.


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